Why british kidz

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Pre-School education is crucial for development

There is more and more scientific research that clearly indicates the existence of a sensitive period in the development of the brain in the early stages of human life, which determines the optimal development of the cerebral cortex
Studies, including a 20-year longitudinal study, show that the more intellectual stimulation a child receives at the age of four, the more developed the parts of the brain devoted to language and cognition will be in the next decades of life, especially the brain region associated with semantic memory, processing the meanings of words, and responsible for general knowledge of the world. Pre-School Business

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The teachers at British Kidz Play School have received extensive training in both Montessori methods and child psychology. They undoubtedly make up their primary strength. To ensure they are up to date with the most recent teaching techniques in accordance with international standards, they receive regular training from subject matter experts. At American Kidz, the teacher is a friend who assesses the child based on their aptitudes and interests before helping them develop their skills by encouraging them to learn and explore. To ensure that the child receives the best education possible, strict discipline is upheld.


A strict child-to-teacher ratio is maintained so that the teacher can focus on each and every child and encourage each child to actively participate in daily activities.


We make sure to use the best and safe disinfectants, sanitizers and other cleaning equipment to have a very safe and germ-free environment for the children to play and learn. We also have included cleanliness and hygiene in our curriculum so that children gain lifelong positive hygiene behaviour.


We send updates to the parents on classroom activities by videos and pictures. We want the parents to know about their child’s experience to the fullest and also to keep them informed about the menu, weekly lesson plans, etc. We also keep parents informed about the school-wide news. The teachers themselves will try to keep you updated on a regular basis.


The curriculum at British Kidz is designed as per international standards of the Montessori education that is age appropriate, practical and tested that enhance multi skill development using Montessori equipments and teaching aids.


The security and safety of our kids are our first priorities at British Kidz. All of our schools must abide by our comprehensive list of safety and security compliance requirements. These precautions include CCTV surveillance of the school grounds, employee verification, restricted access, incident management training for teachers, and the provision of first aid supplies and fire extinguishers, among other things.

Difference Between Conventional Education And Montessori Education:


Teachers in Montessori classrooms make every effort to prevent interfering with the way the children’s minds are developing. This indicates that students work on each task for as long as it takes them.

Conventional classrooms, on the other hand, follow a schedule, so even if one child requires more time than another, a time is allocated for each task.


All Montessori based classrooms are prepared with the knowledge of the needs of each student. They include student-centered lessons and activities.

Conventional classrooms are based on teacher-centered lessons or activities.


Additionally, Montessori education is very hands-on and active, requiring students to solve problems and come to their own conclusions.

Conversely, the majority of instruction in conventional preschools involves students learning primarily through memorization, repetition, and listening.


When it comes to each child’s unique learning path and needs, Montessori teachers seek to guide students through activities rather than prescribe what they should or shouldn’t do.

Instead of creating different assignments for every child based on their learning capacity, traditional preschool teachers assign tasks based on a curriculum or a prearranged order for each class.


Montessori educators value and even encourage a child to complete each task at their own pace.

In contrast, it is frequently expected in conventional classroom settings that all students will finish each task at the same rate or give up if they are not done in the allotted amount of time.


In a Montessori classroom, educators work to support children in developing positive self-esteem by helping them realize that this type of pride can only come from their own achievements.

Teachers’ praise and tests appear to be the primary means of obtaining external validation in conventional preschools.


The way that people approach learning also varies widely. The goal of the Montessori curriculum is to cultivate in students a love of learning and the process of teaching them to love learning itself.

The curriculum in traditional schools is built around standardized testing procedures and performance standards.


Dr. Maria Montessori developed the alternate teaching approach after carefully examining the most efficient ways for kids to learn.

Conventional education is built on a structure that hasn’t changed much over the years and hasn’t demonstrated much advancement.

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